Well then...
Why in the hell are the Battle droids and Storm troopers working together? That doesn't make any sense at all, the battle droids were destroyed. And why was he going to steal the Death Star plans? Princess Leia stole them right before Episode IV. And why did the Storm Troopers not have their rifles? They only had those handguns. No Storm Trooper is stupid enough to only carry a handgun.
Add a kill count, I know it's cliche but still.
Make it longer and give an actual point to the flash, like a lone Jedi is going to destroy the new Dark Lord but is turned to the Dark Side and now a Rebel Jedi has to kill him.
Don't make the characters look like those in the Madness. Make some up to date characters, and you will get appreciated for your work. Trust me on this.
Before adding stuff make sure it's in the Star Wars universe. Ask someone who knows Star Wars good.
I know this takes a long time to make, but it will be well worth it.
Sorry man, it was good work, but I don't think it deserves a high score.